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Finlands Viltcentral
Jan 12, 2015 13:23Applications for the hunting of 48 wolves

Finland’s Wolf Management Plan proposes that the hunting of wolves can be commenced with population-based hunting licenses for population management purposes as of 2015. The Finnish Wildlife Agency received 18 applications by January 9th for the hunting of 48 wolves in 27 territories. Most of the applications were from Kainuu and North Karelia.
According to the draft regulation made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, population-based licenses could be granted for the hunting of max. 29 wolves. The Finnish Wildlife Agency will assess and examine the case-specific grounds for the granting of licenses. Decisions concerning the received applications can be made after the regulation enters into force.
The EU’s Habitats Directive enables the population-based hunting of large carnivores on the conditions that the game species has a management plan and that the hunting will not weaken the obtainment of the protection level – and if there is no other satisfactory solution to the conflict. Until now, population-based hunting in Finland has concentrated on lynxes and bears, reducing conflicts caused by them. The hunting of wolves will be implemented as a two-year trial, where the effects of hunting on the wolf population, wolf pack structure and people’s attitudes will be closely examined.
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Information on large carnivores in Nordic countries
SKANDULV - wolf research in Scandinavia. SKANDULV is working on issues connected with wolf ecology and administration. The main questions concern wolf populations, movement patterns, genetics, ecosystem effects etc.