Meeting a large carnivore
If you come across a large carnivore in the wild or in a populated area, try to keep calm, keep your wits about you and use common sense.

If you come across a large carnivore in the wild, keep calm
If you come across a large carnivore in the wild or in a populated area, try to keep your wits about you and use common sense. The situation will usually resolve itself as the carnivore will flee from humans. If you come across a large carnivore, the best thing to do is to keep calm. Retreating the same way you came is also often the wisest option. You should not shout or turn your back on the animal.
Meeting a bear
A brown bear is usually on the move early in the morning and in the evenings. When a human comes across a bear in the wild, it is usually because the bear got taken by surprise; it tries to steer clear of people. With its excellent smell and hearing the bear will usually sense a human from far away and either hide or leave the scene. Read how to behave when you meet a bear.
Meeting a wolf
The wolf is a sizeable wild animal and large carnivore and you should remain calm and fearless when coming face to face with one. A rabid wolf or a wolf that is put on the defensive may harm a human, but this has not happened in Finland since the late 19th century. Read how to behave when you meet a wolf.
Meeting a wolverine or a lynx
If you come across a large carnivore in the wild or in a populated area, try to keep your wits about you and use common sense. The situation will usually resolve itself as the carnivore will free from humans. If you come across a large carnivore, the best thing to do is to remain calm. Retreating the same way you came is also often the wisest option. You should not shout or turn your back on the animal. There are no known cases in Finland where a lynx or a wolverine would have seriously or fatally injured a human. Read how to behave when you meet a wolverine or a lynx.